További filmek

A teremtő (1997) online film



Josh is a high school guy who lives with adoptive parents and is involved in little crimes with his friends (including young lesbian Bella). Suddenly his elder brother Walter comes out of the blue (he left home 10 years ago when he was 18 and was never heard during these years). After that Walter starts to involve Josh in various new criminal activities, including robbery.


Színész Alakított személy
Matthew Modine Walter Schmeiss
Michael Madsen Skarney
Mary-Louise Parker Emily Peck
Jonathan Rhys-Meyers Josh Minnell
Jesse Borrego Felice A. Beato
Fairuza Balk Bella Sotto
Joel McKinnon Miller Customs Officer
Jonathan Rhys Meyers Josh Minnell
Marc Worden Simon
Jeff Kober Rubicon Beziqui
Lawrence Pressman Father Minnell
Kate McGregor-Stewart Mother Minnell
Matthew David James Ike

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